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Ind Sym Scroll 1.jpg
Ind Sym Scroll 1.jpg
OFF WORLD Intro.jpg

These intricate yet epic Photoshop compositions I like to call 'Industrial Symmetry' grew from an Instagram series I did a few years ago that featured massive floating alien superstructures, highlighting the effects of  man-made environmental destruction. Yeah, it kinda snowballed . . .

Scroll - Classic Rust.jpg
Scroll - Classic Rust.jpg
Classic Rust Intro.jpg

In the beginning, this project was completely undefined. I had no idea what I was going to do with the thousands of pictures I was taking. All I knew was that I had to make these photographs - the stories of these cars needed to be told. Through my camera I've given them a voice to tell those stories. Yes, the cars made me do it . . .

Acrylic Paintings Scroll 2.jpg
Acrylic Paintings Scroll 2.jpg
Acrylic Paintings Intro.jpg

When I was a kid I liked to draw in pencil a lot. Around third or fourth grade I found out why: I'm color blind! Later on in art school I took a painting class and, even though I knew the principles of color theory very well, I just couldn't match with paint what my eyes were (not) seeing. Pretty sure that's why my current paintings look the way they do . . .

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